Domains of Research | Social economy, work and employment, vulnerable/disadvantages groups, private social solidarity institutions, cooperatives, crisis of the Welfare-State. |
Relevant Publications | Sousa, Maria Teresa de (2014), “A economia social como setor empregador nos distritos de Viseu e da Guarda”, Revista Sociologia, vol. XXVII, January-June 2014, (Co-authored with Ilona Kovács).
Sousa, Maria Teresa de (2012), “Economia social: alternativa para a crise do emprego?”, International Colloquium Sustain.Ability goes Sustain.Active, (Co-authored with Ilona Kovács), (on cd).
Sousa; Maria Teresa de (2009), “The Social Economy: a “New” Tool at the Service of the Battle for Employment”, in Harrisson, D.; Széll, G. e Bourque, R. (eds), Social Innovation, the Social Economy and World Economic Development, Labour, Education & Society, vol. 17, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 29-50.
Sousa, Maria Teresa de (2007), “Economia social: alternativa ou complemento” - IV Iberian Symposium for Cooperativism and Social Economy – The Social Economy as a point of Social Utility, Córdoba, (on cd). |